10 Pictures of Green Bhutan to Inspire You to Travel

Author: Mohammad Amaan
Date: 2019-12-06

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10 Pictures of Green Bhutan to Inspire You to Travel 

Carbon sinks, 70% forest cover, powered almost entirely by mountain streams—Bhutan is a poster child for green living.

It is the only country in the world that is carbon negative, which means it produces more oxygen than it consumes. Bhutan generates about 2.2 million tonnes of carbon annually, yet its forests absorb three times this amount, which creates a carbon sink.

In the 2000s, pressure began to build on the forests. There was a lot of demand for timber. So, when Bhutan became a democracy in 2008, a mandatory 60% forest cover was introduced in the constitution.

Take a look at some pictures of green Bhutan to inspire you to travel away from polluted cities and into clean and green natural regions –