One of the most powerful marketing techniques is creating content which generates links. This is the definition of link bait and should be used in your internet marketing campaign. For those who are interested in making money it is important the link bait is on your online business. This will make the links help the traffic generation of your main presence and increase your online income. The best type of presence to create and market link bait is a blogging platform. The reason for this is you never know what piece of content will take off and generate tons of links for your presence. Another reason a blogging platform is good for generating link bait is the normal piece of link bait only generates up to a hundred or so incoming links which means for a presence to really take off you will need quite a few pieces of link bait on your presence. A blog allows you to easily publish new link bait consistently so the possibilities are endless.
When you attempt to generate link bait for your internet marketing campaign remember that text is not the only form of content. Forms of content which generally generate many links include videos and pictures as long as they can be shared under the creative commons attribution license. This license requires anyone who uses your work on their presence to place a link back to the site they took the work from. There are many things you can create under the creative commons and you can actually place a creative commons license with your content allowing your traffic to take blog posts or articles and place them on their site as long as they link back to your presence.
One important thing about creating link bait is making sure your content is fresh, unique, and relevant to your niche. Becoming an expert in your field will allow you to write link bait more consistently, but to do so you will need quite a bit of practice. Spend time each and every day reading a little and writing a little about your niche. As days pass into months and months into years you will quickly notice that you know as much if not more than the majority within your niche which means you have become an expert. Many people think that you need to be recognized by a web community before you are allowed expert status, but this is not true. All you need to do is know more than most people in your niche. For content producers a clear sign of becoming an expert will be an overwhelming amount of people asking for help. I personally remember reaching this phase without any external endorsement. Every day I was receiving around ten emails asking me how to make money, five to ten friend requests on face book, and many questions on the other dynamic presences I wrote on including forums.
Another factor to help increase the chances of your content being linked to is the types of content you create. The highest chance material includes content created which explains how to do something and has not been explained before. If you were the first person to explain search engine optimization then the article or post you write would have received thousands of one way links. Top ten lists are also very popular in the online community and should be used when trying to create link bait.
My name is Kris Beus webmaster of and blogger of Article Source: By- Kris Beus |