When writing articles to make money there are a few things you need to keep in mind. This is something most people can do, but the ways to make money as an article writer do require you to do a few simple things.
1. Most people think of article writing as producing content for another Internet marketer. This is an excellent way to get paid for writing an article.
For example writing blog articles is big business. There are millions of blogs that need content added to them right now. There are also millions of bloggers that would pay you to write for them if they just knew who you were.
Article marketing is a big part of using articles to build an Internet business. As a content writer you can also write articles for another Internet marketer to promote their business.
2. One of the keys to being a successful article writer is your ability to research content. It starts with developing a keyword list for your customers.
Many customers would like to add content to their site, but are not sure what keywords to have articles written around. To see what people are searching for online around keyword phrases use the free Google Adwords research toool.
Search Automator Force is an excellent free information software you can download. This is a fantastic way to research in various ways.
For example you can find other articles online just by searching the article link. You can also search for videos, audios, blogs, and multiple search engines all in one place.
3. As an article writer you are an independent contractor, so you are responsible for your taxes. You will want to set up with a free PayPal account to collect your money. This is also a very easy way keep track of your business expenses and you can get a PayPal debit card.
4. Another way to make money writing articles is to set up your own blog and write for yourself. Many people do their own writing and have many blogs in various niches. Over time you can develop a virtual real estate empire that makes very good money selling affiliate products online.
5. Your blog is a good way to create samples of your work. You can also build an order page and put your PayPal order button on it.
6. Promoting your new writing is easy to do in various discussion forums. The Warrior Forum is a good place to hang out and find customers to write for.
You can not sell yourself directly, but you can add a link to your article writer order page in a signature file. To make sure you do it correctly all you have to do is watch how other forum members are doing it.
These are 6 tips to keep in mind when it comes to writing articles to make money. This is a great way to earn money online and provide a service that is really needed.
About the author: If you enjoyed this article by Jeff Schuman on writing articles to make money online please visit our website today. You will find Hands Off article marketing information and other ways to make more money. http://www.team-schuman.com By: Jeff Schuman Source: http://ideacopy.com/ |