Learning to improve your writing skills is not as difficult as it may seem. In most cases improvements can be made by applying simple adjustments to the writing process itself. Developing effective writing skills starts with 'removing' yourself from the actual process and first determining what it is you want to say. Each of us tend to get so involved in 'how' we write that we forget what it is we are trying to communicate. Often times this ends up resulting in writer's block which then compounds the problem further making our efforts even more difficult. Remember the process is not difficult; it is your own mind that creates the complications!
Here are 5 suggestions you can put to use immediately to help you 'demystify' the writing process and make your efforts easier and more productive.
Determine Your Topic
Take the time to select a subject or topic of interest to you, and your readers of course. If several come to mind than jot them down, provided you remember how to use a pen or pencil in this age of push button technology.
Determine Your Points
Now that you have determined what topic(s) you want to focus your efforts on, what points do you want to make and why? List these points out in an organized and easy to follow fashion for your viewers and by doing so you will also be giving the writing process some structure. This will make your efforts flow more easily! Knowing the 'why' behind what you are composing is useful for writing your introduction and a great way to let readers know what to expect. This is a very effective writing tip that will allow you to get past the first paragraph which is typically the hardest to compose.
Find the Words
Often the words you are looking for come to you quicker when you speak your thoughts out loud. Take a particular point you are trying to make but having difficulty putting into words and than take a walk to 'nail' down the way you want to say it. Sitting at a keyboard and 'pressing' for the right words leaves the door 'open' to increased frustration and writer's block.
Speak as if you are conversing with a friend and do not write to impress but to be understood!
Just Write
Settle down and start composing only after thoughts start to flow freely through your mind. Do not concern yourself with spelling or grammar at this point but instead focus only on recording your thoughts. By doing this you will find the writing process flows much more smoothly and rapidly.
Edit Your Work
Remember when you wanted to take the time to correct your spelling and check your grammar, well now is your chance. Proofread what you have composed and get rid of needless words or phrases. Check to see if it sounds right and when you are satisfied, hit the spell check tab, make any corrections necessary, and congratulate yourself on a job well done!
Learning to improve your writing abilities starts with making a conscious effort to not overly complicate what you are trying to do. Simply put, the writing process should involve nothing more than you sharing a conversation with others. Allowing your thoughts to flow freely as you record them in an uninterrupted fashion is what you want to achieve and how to develop more effective writing skills. The 5 suggestions offered above serve to help simplify your approach while avoiding writer's block which normally results the longer your progress continues to be delayed. Remember composing anything is not really all that difficult unless you allow your own mind to make it that way. Just say what you want and write what you say!
Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com ABOUT THE AUTHOR TJ Philpott is an author and Internet entrepreneur based out of North Carolina. By TJ Philpott |