5 Reasons Why You Should Start Outsourcing Your Content Creation Today  And Increase Your Profits

5 Reasons Why You Should Start Outsourcing Your Content Creation Today - And Increase Your Profits!

Author: TG Contributor
Date: 2020-01-31

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With content a central component of how the web works, it's inevitable that promoting your business and website online will involve a lot of writing. Think about most forms of online marketing, and you'll recognize the creation of content (most of written) is central.

With content central to how the web works, it's inevitable that promoting your business and website online will involve a lot of writing. Think about most forms of online marketing, and you'll recognize the creation of content (most of written) is central.

Here are just a few examples:

- Articles (like this one!)

- Blog posts (this article is based on content that was originally a blog post)

- White papers

- Email communications

- Sales copy and other copywriting

- Audio and video scripts

I'm sure you can think of more.

There are likely only a few marketing activities that don't involve writing content to some level ... and even then you usually need to back it up with some form of text.

The problem is what to do as a business owner if you're not a natural born writer. For many business owners, it's either not their strong point, or not what they want to do with their time.

However, all is not lost ...

Despite all the written content you need, it doesn't mean you have to be a gifted, proficient writer in order to promote your business effectively. (If it did, the majority of businesses wouldn't last too long!)

So what's the solution?

Simple when you think about it. Focus on what you do best ... and hire in talent for everything else. And this applies to writing content as much as it does to other tasks:

- Coding and web development - hire in a techie ...

- Server management - a decent web host will usually take care of this for you ...

- Customer support - outsource to capable customer-focused freelancers ...

- Business accounts and taxes - use a capable and trustworthy accountant

- And so on ...

Outsourcing your written content is no different - you are simply hiring a professional to take care of writing tasks such as:

- Blog posts

- Other web site content

- Articles for syndication to other sites

- Newsletters

- Ebooks

- Printed books

- Press releases

- Product reviews

- Social media posts

- And any other writing for your business, both online and offline.

Of course when you have professionally-written content, it reflects your business in a very positive light. And as most written content sticks around the web for a very long time, outsourcing your content creation pays for itself, and is a long-term investment in the ongoing success of your business.

It also helps insulate you from changes to search engine algorithms, simply because you have so much content out there attracting and referring traffic to your business, whether on your own site or other websites across the web.

The interesting fact is that new visitors who arrive at your site via quality content are far more minded to do business with you than if the clicked through from an ad. They are more likely to opt in to a list, contact you, and at some point go on to make a purchase.

The reason is that with an ad, they are immediately defensive and subconsciously looking for reasons not to do business with you. On the other hand, after reading helpful, informative content, they're more likely to click through to your sales copy out of genuine interest, feel more in control, and take less persuasion to opt in or make a purchase.

Businesses are increasingly outsourcing their written content simply because it is so profitable and is a wise investment for the future.

Here are five reasons why you should start outsourcing your own written content today, and in so doing increase your profits and help ensure your business's longevity:

1. Writing's Not Your Strong Point

Let's face it, maybe you're an exception, but most business owners are not natural-born writers. They're in business for reasons other than writing ability, and for most it's a struggle.

Would you want to waste your time, time you could spend more profitably elsewhere, struggling over some content that in the end might not reflect on your business very positively?

It's far easier to hire in the talent to do a good job for you. It's also cheaper because (a) your time is more valuable elsewhere; and (b) the professional content produced would be a long-term profit-puller for your business.

2. English Is Not Your Mother Tongue

While many can speak effectively in English even if English is not their first language, writing is often a different matter. Even small nuances can put readers off and stop your content being as effective as it could be. And the truth is, if English is not your mother tongue, you won't recognize such issues when they occur.

It therefore makes more sense to outsource to a professional writer. Unfortunately, content that reads as if it's been written by someone who does not have English as their first language can do more damage than good, and have a negative effect on your credibility.

3. Do What You Do Best!

Even Einstein was a terrible speller. His genius lay elsewhere, including accepting his time was better invested where he did excel.

4. You're Not Superman / Superwoman!

No one can do everything, and do everything well. We all only have so many hours in the day, and so much energy to expend.

Instead, by outsourcing tasks you don't absolutely have to do yourself, you Improve profits, while reducing feelings of overwhelm, stress and anxiety.

5. More Content Promoting Your Business

Instead of trying to do it all yourself only to find you don't have the time, or even the inclination, outsourcing enables you to create a powerful profitable content creation machine for your business.

Content works best when done consistently. You may start off with the best intention ... but then other 'stuff' just happens, and what you wanted to do doesn't get done.

Pass on that responsibilityFree Articles, and have new content regularly created like clockwork that continually markets your business and significantly raises your online visibility.

Article Tags: Should Start OutsourcingShould StartStart OutsourcingContent CreationWritten Content

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com


For more information on how to outsource your writing, see vWriter.com. Steve Shaw is a content marketing expert and the founder of SubmitYourArticle.com, which enables businesses to syndicate their content to publishers worldwide, increase their online visibility, and attract new customers and prospects.

By: Steve Shaw

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